Treatment Court for All?

February 6, 2020

Many Wisconsin courts offer treatment programs for alcohol and drug related traffic offenses. Most of the time these programs allow a person who successfully enters and completes the program to be receive a significant reduction in their jail sentence. Some are referred to as OWI Treatment Court, others have what is commonly referred to as“Safe Streets” programs, otherwise known as SSTOP.  In many instances, the amount of jail served can be below the minimum guidelines for a jail sentence for the violation. However,Courts usually hold a significant jail sentence over the client for failure to successfully complete treatment or failure to comply with program requirements.

Recently in some counties,treatment courts have reached capacity. Thus, offenders with violations who otherwise would qualify for a treatment program, are being denied entry into the program,leading to disparity as to how offenders in similar situations are treated.  If the goal of treatment program is to reduce recidivism,treatment courts need to reexamine how they allocate resources to ensure treatment court available to all qualified offenders who have a desire to participate.

If you have question about whether treatment court is an option in your county or how to find out if you qualify, contact Piel Law Office at (877) 384-1384.

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